Everett Farmers Market Community Voices - Volume 2

Editor's Note - The Everett Farmers Market sent over a series of interviews with folks from the market. Here is volume 2 of the 4 part series. Enjoy!

-The Live In Everett Team

For twenty-three years, the Everett Farmers Market has been serving the community. And without the community, the Friday and Sunday markets would not exist. The patrons that flock between the white tents and mingle with our producers, vendors, and artisans are the wind beneath our sails.

But what, exactly, does it mean to be a part of that community?

To find out, we asked Sunday market-goers of all kinds to step out of the crowd and let their voices be heard.

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Customer Mirka Mandich

EFC: Where are you from?
MM: I’m from Everett, Washington.

EFC: Why are you here today?
MM: I’m here to shop with my mom on a sunny day. I like the new location a lot, and I’m happy to be here.

EFC: What booth do you visit the most?
MM: I really like going by the flower booths, but I end up getting pies most of the time.

EFC: If you could open your own booth, what would you be selling and why?
MM: Probably ice cream. It’s so nice on a hot day.

EFC: Can you describe the market in three words?
MM: Organic. Community. Fun.

Customers Andea Thaeland and Joey Bruschetsky

EFM: Can you tell me a little bit about yourselves?
Andea Thaeland: I’ve been in the hospitality business, food and beverage, for most of my life. I love food, which is why we come up here all the time. Joey and I absolutely love it, and we’re big fans of all the farmer’s markets.

EFC: Where are you coming from?
AT: Edmonds.

EFC: What do you think of the new location?
AT: I really like it, actually. I love that it’s on the water here, and I also like that you’re not next to the trains slamming together.
JB: Kind of spreads it out a lot more, too. It feels a lot bigger.

EFC: What booth do you visit the most when come to the market?
JB: Food booths!
AT: We love the crafts, but we come up for the food and the berries.

EFC: Have you made any friends at farmers markets before?
AT: No, but we’ve had lots of fun conversations with people at the tables. There’s always limited seating, but that means we’ve met lots of interesting people and connected with them, especially on the really hot days when you have to share the shade.

EFC: If you were to run your own booth at a farmer’s market, what would you make, produce, or sell, and why?
AT: Food from the Pacific Northwest. It’s been fabulous to see the crab cake booth this year. The other thing that we love to come up here for is the fresh seafood booth. Last week we came up here specifically for their spot prawns. We got in line before it opened, and he was sold out in ten or fifteen minutes.
JB: Fresh off the boat, fresh cooked spot prawns. Very limited. But you can’t beat it.

Customers Ashley and Gina

EFC: Where are you guys from?
Gina: West Seattle!

EFC: What brought you up here?
Ashley: I have a friend who’s working the Fostering Together booth, so we stopped in to say hi.

EFC: What do you like about farmer’s markets?
Ashley: There’s so much--
Gina: People and smells and neat things, and creativity, and community--
Ashley: --and there are familiar, typical things you’d expect, like berries and produce, but then there’s always something crafty and new, too. The element of surprise.

EFC: If you got to open your own booth at a farmer’s market, what would you grow, produce, or sell, and why?
Gina: I wouldn’t mind doing produce. I have this desire to have a miniature farm and grow things. But that’s only if I could magically be wonderful at taking care of plants. You, Ashley?
Ashley: Probably some sort of woodcrafts. Ornaments, or cribbage boards, or something. I like woodworking here and there.

*dog approaches microphone*

EFC: Hello, puppy! Do you wanna add something to the interview? You look pretty happy!
Gina: He says, “No, but I will pant for you!”

EFC: *laughing* Do you have anything else to comment on about farmers markets in general?
Gina: This particular market feels more like a festival than a Sunday market. It’s very large, and there’s lots of variety.
Ashley: But even though it’s large, it’s still quite organized. I feel like sometimes when they’re very large, they can get quite crowded, or too overwhelming.
Gina: But this one is a very nice, with lots of variety. And we found lunch, and snacks, and crafty things, and he (gesturing to dog) found some treats--
Ashley: Yeah! People just handed him treats! It’s been great.

The Everett Farmers Market runs every Sunday from 11am-4pm at Boxcar Park (615 13th Street). The market runs until October 16th. See you there!