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Artist Profile: Josh Jones

Name: Josh Jones

Hometown: Beautiful Everett, WA

Current City/Neighborhood: Delta Neighborhood

Your Medium/Craft: Photography, printmaking, drawing and watercolor painting.

Years doing your craft: 12

Josh Jones // Courtesy Josh Jones

How did you first get started in your craft?

I became interested in photography shortly after the first iPhone came out. Once I had a camera on me at all times I discovered the excitement of street and landscape photography.

Looking at the world through a viewfinder made beauty and mystery pop out in new ways for me. I was hooked.

A few years ago I decided to buy a full-frame camera and began carrying it around wherever I went. This allowed me to capture serendipitous scenes with a better quality. Soon I began planning moonrise shoots and going on intentional walks around the city which lead me to photograph scenes like the full moon rising over the Cascades, crimson clouds at sunset behind boats at the marina, and a variety of wildlife I had never seen in town before.

Favorite Piece You've Created?

As dusk settled over Everett on January 1st, 2018, I waited breathlessly for the full moon to rise somewhere over the Cascade Mountain range from the top of a parking garage in Everett.

The full moon in January is named "Wolf Moon" and I was thankful that it was clear enough to see it rise over the mountains that evening—a rarity in the PNW during the winter months.

Once the moon became visible, I could not believe my eyes; it rose right behind Three Fingers mountain and I was able to capture it appearing as if it was a glowing egg in a mountain-shaped nest. "Magical" was the only word I could think of to describe that moment.

What’s the most challenging part of being an artist, or something you had to overcome?

I am the type of artist that learns while creating. Since I am self-taught, there have been many attempts at creating art where the result was not what I had hoped for.

I think the challenge is to know that it's healthy to be critical of your own work while, at the same time, understanding that the learning process is just as important as the end result.

For every amazing work of art, there are hundreds of hidden failed attempts. The key for me is to do the best I can with the knowledge and equipment I have and not worry about the end result. If you practice enough, you will eventually get what you want.

Favorite place in Everett to eat?

Kai Sushi has the best sushi in town.

Favorite place in Everett to hang?

Pearl Studio for life drawing.

What's next for you?

As time allows, I hope to continue hosting booths at upcoming Everett Makers Markets and other local arts events. In addition to photography, I enjoy drawing, printmaking and watercolor painting and as I produce more of that work people may see some of it made public.

Where can people see more of your art?

You can see my work online at and if you follow me on Instagram or Facebook you can find out when and where you can view my art in person.

Josh Jones




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