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Life in Everett Journals: Frank Blanco-Yanez

Editor’s Note: This is part of a series of journal entries from members of our community as we adapt to stay at home orders during the COVID-19 outbreak. I’ve gone back and forth wondering if these entries will fit the “Good Things” focus of Live in Everett, but everything about relating, connecting and learning from our neighbors is a Good Thing. ~Linda


Frank Blanco-Yanez

First year student at the University of Washington-Seattle
Mariner Neighborhood

May 5th, 2020

Routines. Schedules. Consistency.

These have been the three things I have tried to keep in on my mind when going through my day during quarantine. 

Being a new college student, I made it my mission to fix my horrendous scheduling habits. The first week of college, I had been pretty great on that. Like a lot of other college students, that motivation fluctuated too much for my desire during my first quarter. Even with my scheduling woes, I had finally begun to keep a consistent routine during winter quarter.

Then as fast as that progression came, it came to a screeching halt. Public classes were cancelled and as such, were moved to remote learning. Financial constrictions left me with no choice, but to move back home from campus. As well, Spring break followed. All of these things may seem like a blessing. Flexible classes, money saved, and overall more time to relax. 

But for me, it was a devastating blow on the progress I had made on a skill that frankly, I was not very good at.

I will be honest. That whole spring break, I was my parents worst nightmare. I slept, ate food and played video games for the majority of the time. It wasn’t until classes begun for my spring quarter, did I begin to find my groove again. I tend to get really distracted with goals, but this goal felt very important to me so I made it a priority to keep a rough consistent schedule during this pandemic. 

My day usually consist of a waking at 7am (with a lot of resistance), grabbing a cup of coffee and planning my day. I then go to my classes of the day, write emails (my favorite part of my day, yay!*sigh*) and do homework that I have. I have lunch and dinner with homework in between and end my day with my daily movie! My favorite thing to do is go on sight-seeing drives and just enjoy the time I have.

The main thing that has helped me during this is focusing on the things that I can control and building on those. Of course I have to be aware of those things that I can't control and how they will affect me, but at the moment I just have to stick along for the ride. Don't get me wrong, I’m ready for the bonfires, movies, beach hangouts and late-night adventures with my friends, but the best thing I can do is keep myself safe and those around me safe so I'm able to enjoy all the future memories that I can.

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