Live in Everett

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#LiveinEverett: May's Top 10 Picks

May is the month where Everett folks come out of their holes and take a chance on those mischievous clear, blue skies. Thanks to everyone that risked not taking their rain jacket into the great outdoors for these glamor shots of Everett.

We hope you enjoy perusing our top ten picks of #liveineverett.

1. These cotton candy clouds by @daisy9979 look so good you could just rip 'em out of the sky.

2. Looks like @bulletproofblonde's pup had a good day, a sunny day walk and some creamy Dutch treats? #spoiledrotten

3. A cat in a bird store, what could go wrong? Photographer @xtopher575 caught this beast in its natural environment.

4. Look at this shot @hotsauce426 took of one of Everett's hidden gems. Skills.

5. So awesome to see @goldfinchbros_inc's vintage Everett heritage. I wonder what they do...#readthesign

6. This shot of the Weyerhaeuser House by @i_cut_things is freaking me out a little, kinda trippy perspective.

7. The true spirit of salty Everett (as Elizabeth Person would say), captured by @kimseely603.

8. We (or should I say, I) just can't get enough of the sweetest dogs in Everett aka Kippi Leonard's @enzothesweetwolfhound and Fischer 😍

9. We just love this 70's planter available for sale in @riversidetrading's Etsy shop. Locally sourced and great prices #winwin #takemymoney

10. While wandering around the guys found this lovely archway. And a lame pun. @liveineverett

Anna is a freelance graphic designer based out of Everett. She also happens hang with Tyler and Garret at Live in Everett, helping manage the daily doings of the site. And...she's kinda a nerd (tehe).

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