Date Options: June 25-28 & July 30-August 2
Paul G. Allen’s Flying Heritage & Combat Armor Museum is pleased to announce Beasts of the Battlefield, our day camp that focuses on our operating tank and military vehicles. Campers ages 11-14 will have fun learning about the fantastic armor and military vehicle collection of world wars, tank operations, tank strategy and combat, and see our some of our featured tanks demoed just for them.
The Details
- Date Options: June 25-28 & July 30-August 2
- Monday - Thursday Daily from 9AM-3PM
- Campers Age: 11-14
- Cost: $299 for the week, due at registration
- Registration Deadline: June 1st, 2018
- Space is limited to 16 participants per camp
- Sack lunches need to be brought by campers; refrigeration is available, heating is not.
- Activities include: trying on military gear, laser tag, tour our tank maintenance shop, artifact hands on, and plastic model building.
- Campers will receive a Beasts of the Battlefield Summer Camp T-shirt.