The Independent Beer Bar Turns One
This Thursday, March 2nd, The Independent Beer Bar turns one. I’m happy.
I’ve come to think of the Indy as my Cheers, that rarest of neighborhood hangouts—a warm, welcoming environment where you can do your thing, or do nothing at all, and feel 100% comfortable. It’s that kind of chill.
Their claim to fame is sixteen taps of rotating craft beer and cider. It’s quality booze, too, sure to satisfy the most devout of beer nerds.
A look at their current lineup gives you an idea. Each selection needs a little decoding: Grimm Brothers Old Sultan Sour Altbier, Ciderworks Asian Pear Cider, Telegraph Goodland Valencia Orange Pale Ale.
Sure, this is the sort of place that attracts people with chunky glasses, faded Fremont Brewing t-shirts, and growler collections. But there’s also wine and a large selection of bottles and cans if you’re just in the mood for a casual Rainier tallboy (and I usually am).
I happen to work two blocks away, so I’m always looking for an excuse to drag a coworker over for their “get happy, stay happy” hour. It’s a good deal. Show up during the first two hours and all drafts and glasses of wine are a dollar off as long as you stay in the bar.
You’re allowed to bring in your own food or place an order at neighboring Sa-Nae Thai. The Independent will roll the cost of your phad thai onto your bar tab so you don’t have to swipe your card twice. Convenient!
It seems there’s always some kind of activity going on in the bar, but the vibe never feels gimmicky the way that drinking establishments can sometimes feel. No kitsch, no ladies night, no corny beer posters, no neon, no honky-tonk.
The Indy’s a dog-friendly establishment with original art by Elizabeth Person, shuffleboard, a popular trivia night, and a monthly book club. And introverts rejoice: you’re totally fine silently drinking a pint while surfing your phone. No one’s gonna twerk on you or blast Van Halen on the jukebox.
Whatever your thing is, you have to agree that The Independent is a classy place. The long wooden bar and long wooden benches invite lingering. During the afternoons and evenings the bar’s flooded with daylight, making the wooded interior glow.
Summer + Beer = Happy. BTW, all photos by the Independent except for the header is by Ryan Schwager.
At night the place is warmly lit with hanging lamps—a cozy environment to wait out a rainstorm with a book. Or you can people-watch through giant windows looking out on the corner of Hewitt and Rockefeller.
Dear The Independent, I wish you the hoppiest—er, happiest—of birthdays.
I hope there’s many more on tap.
Editor's Note: The Independent is celebrating their one year anniversary March 2nd at 7 PM, and they'd love for you to join. Get all the deets here.
Richard Porter is a social worker and musician. He lives in North Everett and enjoys running on Marine View Drive, bicycling down tree-lined streets, and trying to coax vegetables out of his yard.