“Heart” Band To Go Crazy, Crazy on EVT This Saturday
I’m sitting with Steve Fossen, inductee to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and original bassist for classic rock band Heart. It smells like Cinnabon.
On Saturday night his Heart tribute band will be playing at the Historic Everett Theatre, but right now we’re chilling at the Starbucks in the Alderwood Mall. Steve wears Ray Ban sunglasses and Converse All-Stars. He is from the age of vinyl records and top 40 radio, but we’re talking about the best digital PR practices.
As we chat someone somewhere is downloading “Magic Man.” Somewhere a classic rock DJ is playing “Barracuda” on the airwaves. Royalties from these Heart hits are funneling into the pockets of Steve’s stylish blazer.
In their heyday Heart scored over 20 Top 40 singles and sold over 30 million albums.
Heart then.
“People come to our shows and say ‘I saw you at the Coliseum in ‘79,’” says Fossen. “They bring their albums from the ‘70s or ‘80s and ask us to sign them. We do our best every night to play the classic hits of Heart as they originally sounded.”
Recently a fan in Klamath Falls, Oregon told Steve that his first child was conceived to the sounds of Heart album Dreamboat Annie— proof of the power of music if ever there was.
Dreamboat Annie (1975) went platinum. Heart recorded eight platinum records, some of which went platinum several times.
The “Heart By Heart" tribute band knows how to tap into fans' good memories.
People come to HBH shows to recapture their best times. And Steve’s band delivers: note-by-note renditions of the classics complete with shredding solos and Ann Wilson-esque falsetto.
“[Heart] had ambition. We only wanted to take on people who had ambition”
The Heart By Heart band has chops. The lineup also features fellow Heart founding member Michael Derosier as well as a guitarist who studied at the Berkelee School of Music in Boston.
Together, the six-person band will to bring the intensity of 1975 to Everett in 2018.
Heart by Heart live.
Steve Fossen was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2013. He got his start gigging in high school around the Bothell area.
I want to know how he became a rock star.
“Sacrifices,” he sums up, speaking on behalf of himself and founding member Michael Derosier. “There were times when we didn’t have a lot of food. We had ambition. We only wanted to take on people who had ambition... Ann Wilson had that.”
He talks about the early days of Heart: relentless practicing and networking with people who had connections to record executives.
“What you’re describing is good business practices and hard work,” I offer.
“And you can’t discount the luck factor,” says Steve. “Hard work and good business are important. When you do get good luck you're prepared to exploit it.”
Sage advice from a man who’s packed festivals with the likes of Boston, Rod Stewart, and Van Halen.
Heart By Heart. Chad Quist, Lizzy Daymont, Michael Derosier, Somar Macek, and Steve Fossen.
Catch Heart By Heart this Saturday at the Historic Everett Theatre. Their six-person lineup practices twice a week so that they’re in prime riff-shredding form and ready to deliver the hits.
And yes, of course: they will go crazy, crazy on you.
Richard Porter writes for Live in Everett.