The Weekly Goodness: February 27th, 2017

Good afternoon Everett lovers!
Did you know that Scuttlebutt has its own tap room? We punished our livers (because they're evil) just to give you guys an inside look.
You're welcome🍺
Check out Scuttlebutt's new taproom in Everett, WA. For more Everett goodness: MUSIC: Bounce Ball by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Source: Artist:
Voting for Everett's Best Sweet Spot ends in less than 36 hours, so go vote now before it's too late!


POETRY: Poetry Laboratory @ Black Lab Gallery
Get your fingers ready, because you'll be snapping away at this week's Poetry Laboratory with poet Dee Dee Chapman Monday at 7 PM. Free to get in, but grab and drink and settle in.
AEROSPACE: Free First Thursday @ the Flying Heritage Collection
It's free, it's fun, and it's all day. Can't get much better than that.
WHO RUNS THE WORLD: Roller Derby Open House @ Skate Deck Everett
Who are the Jet City Roller Girls you ask? Find out at their open house this Thursday at 9 PM. As they say, "Roller derby... it's cheaper than therapy!"
THEATRE: The 39 Steps premiere @ the Everett Performing Arts Center
The Village Threatre presents The 39 Steps, premiering this Friday at 8 PM. Can't make it this week? Don't worry, it's showing all month. Here's all the dates.
LOCAL LEGENDS: Reading with Local Author Jennifer Bardsley @ Everett Public Library
If sci-fi thrillers are your thing, you'll want to hear local author Jennifer Bardsley read from her book Genesis Girl this Saturday at 2 PM.