Sketchy Everett Volume 9 - Providence Regional Medical Center
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This week, I spent a lot of time visiting the hospital (long story), so I sketched it just before the sun rose one morning.
Here what I now know about this impressive 12-story building, the Colby Campus, located smack in the middle of the Northwest neighborhood:
1. Five hardcore Canadian nuns travelled to the Washington Territory in 1856.
2. They noticed there wasn't a hospital. So they started one. And then a bunch more.
3. Providence now runs 28 not-for-profit hospitals (!!) and employees about 60,000 people.
4. The Colby Campus of Providence is a Level II trauma center (only a handful of hospitals in the state are rated at this level).
5. It probably has the best views in town. Cascades: check. Baker: check. Olympics: check. Snohomish Valley: check.
I'm very thankful that it's located here, in north Everett, and I'm in admiration of the hard-working staff who never let the lights go off, 365 days a year.
Elizabeth is an Everett, Washington-based artist and graphic designer. Using pen and watercolor, she sketches from life and creates 'illustrative infographics,' often featuring Northwest themes.