Sketchy Everett Vol. 30: Santa Sighting
While crossing onto Hewitt Avenue, I did a double take. It appeared that Santa Claus himself was walking the streets of Everett lead, not by reindeer, but by a herd of dogs!
Michael Silva, owner of Scooby's Dog Walkin, is an effervescent feature of the downtown. He's hard to miss, when holding a bouquet of colorful leashes leading to a dogs of every breed and size. I wasn't the only passerby who did a double take, when I saw the red suit. Multiple people asked to take his photo as he strolled up Hewitt Avenue this week.
Michael began dog walking professionally five years ago. The Herald recently did a wonderful piece all about Michael's story (aka Scooby). Check it out here. For more info on his dog walking services, based in North Everett, visit his webpage.
Happy Holidays! Hope you're lucky enough to spot the 'man with the bag' this week.
Click image to enlarge.

Elizabeth is an award winning Everett, Washington-based artist and graphic designer. Using pen and watercolor, she sketches from life and creates 'illustrative infographics,' often featuring Northwest themes.