Live in Everett

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Life in Everett Journals: Jennifer Hesse

Editor’s Note: This is part of a series of journal entries from members of our community as we adapt to stay at home orders during the COVID-19 outbreak. I’ve gone back and forth wondering if these entries will fit the “Good Things” focus of Live in Everett, but everything about relating, connecting and learning from our neighbors is a Good Thing. ~Linda


Jennifer Hesse

Teacher with Everett Public Schools
Silver Lake Neighborhood

April 9, 2020

I’m on Spring Break right now, trying to decompress after a few weeks of transitioning to online education. 

Thankfully, I’ve taught online before. I know some of the trials that come with it. But we’re in a different time. One where it’s so much more difficult - and yet so much more important - to be able to provide for the emotional wellbeing of our students. One where it’s harder for all of us - students, educators, families - to focus on our work. But it is also true that my work is what keeps me going. Teaching our students, working with my colleagues, standing together through all of this - this all matters more to me than anything else in this time. 

A couple years back, I had purchased some school supplies to create YouTube lessons that I never got around to creating. Now I get to use them. I have a little office set up at home, where I teach with a whiteboard behind me. It’s not nearly as fun as being in the classroom with my students, but it works. 

When I’m not teaching or setting up online options for my students, I’m using the time for home improvement projects. Early in the stay-at-home phase, I purchased some paints and have already completed three rooms. Just keeping myself busy as much as possible. 

I’m also making small donations to organizations working on supporting our community as we get through this together. Our community is a great one, and I know that we will be able to work together to keep our local businesses and programs growing. As for me, I’m just happy to be a part of it!

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