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5+ Runs Under 5K with an Everett View

Originally published on May 30, 2017 . Updated September 1, 2022.

If you’re like me, the idea of getting on the treadmill makes you want to chop both your legs off. I get thoroughly bored on that thing that goes nowhere, don’t you?

Thankfully, we live in beautiful Everett, so we don’t ever have to get on one! There are so many places here to run that reward with fabulous views either along the way or at the destination that it’s impossible to get bored. The following are 5+ runs under 5K (one for each day of the week!) that are worth getting out of bed for, and definitely worth sweating it up.

This is where you lace up your outdoor running shoes and say, where to today?

Day 1: Everett Waterfront and Pier
Waterfront & Pier Run Map

For this run, park your car where that one guy feeds the seagulls on East Marine View drive. There are two pull-off parking strips along here (Port Gardner Bay View Area North and South). If you park at the North one, your run will be 0.5 kilometers longer. Take advantage of the benches there to get in your pre-run stretching.

Start off heading south. Jog along the waterfront and soak in the view, which looks over to Jetty Island. When the boats in the marina come up on your right, veer slightly right to catch the boardwalk path behind Lombardi’s restaurant. Hey, cool boats to look at; not boring at all!

Follow the walkway as it turns right along the marina. Run around Anthony's outdoor seating and down the pier. Run to the end of the pier (cause why would you not?)

Of course, you’re the boss of your run. Take a break at the end of the pier and catch your breath? Take a few pics? Or do a quick 180 and head back the way you came.

When you arrive back at your car, stretch out your quads and calves and pat yourself on the back, 'cause you just ran a 5K!

Day 2: Howarth Beach
Howarth Beach Run Map

This run is so full of beauty, I can hardly stand it. Also, there are sometimes bunnies! Enough said.

For this run, park your car at Harbourview Park. Step out of your car and gasp at your view of Puget Sound. After a stretch, start up your favorite running app and start running on W. Mukilteo Blvd. heading east. Turn left on Madrona Ave. This will take you through a pretty neighborhood with Sound views on the left.

Stay on Madrona till the end where it takes a sharp left down Howarth Dr. This turns into a trail which winds you through Howarth Park. When this trail spits you out, you are on Olympic Blvd. Turn left on Olympic Blvd. Continue on this road until a path entrance appears on your left before the road curves to the right.

Take the path! The path takes you on some stairs and over a bridge which crosses the train tracks. You MUST run over this bridge! Because, it's COOL! On the other side of the bridge there is a viewpoint.

Here is where I turn around, but if you’re interested in a stair workout and possibly squishing your toes in the sand, you can take the spiral staircase all the way down to the beach and back up, and then continue.

As you come back over the tracks, take the path to the left. You’ll go down some stairs and over a boardwalk before you come out at a parking lot. Turn right and run to the end where you rejoin Olympic Blvd. by taking a sharp left. Take Olympic Blvd. up, up, and up. Your quads and glutes are burning now- you’re welcome.

KEEP GOING! When you get to the top of this incline there is a beautiful viewpoint on your left. This is your reward, soak it up! Whether it’s a grey day or a clear sky, this view will not disappoint. Now head back the way you came.

When you get back to your car, you will have completed a very challenging and view-tastic 5K run! Congratulations!

Day 3: Memorial Stadium
Memorial Stadium

This is not exactly a view run, but it’s a great place to get a peaceful workout. Did you know that it’s open to the public during the day when kids are in school? Maybe you did, but I didn’t until recently! Now it’s my go-to for a nice level run or if I’m trying for a personal best.

Bonus, here you can use the bleachers for a killer leg workout too! Distance? It’s up to you!

Day 4: Rucker Hill Run
Rucker Hill Run Map (starting at Jackson Elementary)

Get ready for hills rewarded by beauty. This is the Pacific Northwest after all. Don’t worry, what goes up must also come down, so it all evens out in the end!

For this run, park your car at Jackson Elementary School's parking lot and begin your run on Tulalip Avenue. Head north on Tulalip, which curves down and to the left before taking a sharp right onto Sharon Crest and continue downhill. At the bottom of Sharon Crest, turn left onto 35th. 35th turns into Snohomish Avenue. Then left onto 34th, and then left onto Laurel Drive. 

Laurel Drive takes you around Rucker Mansion on your right with a magnificent view of the Sound on your left. Continue on Laurel as it winds down the hill, then turn left on 33rd Place. 33rd turns into Vernon Ave, and it’s here where you get your second view of the the Sound and a close-up view of the Everett docks and shipyard; interesting!

There are also a couple of benches here for resting/stretching or for step-up exercises, but we’re not done yet. Vernon turns into Warren Ave. Take Warren Ave. to the end. The cross street is Kromer. Cross Kromer and turn left because there’s a tree you have to see!

The hospital will be on your right as you come under the canopy of the most majestic Japanese Maple tree there is. Pause, look up, deep breath in, let it out, then GO again!

Here’s where it gets exciting! Cross back over Kromer and find the entrance to Forgotten Creek Trail. Take it! Wind through the woods and over the boardwalks (caution: sometimes slippery) 'til you come out at the bottom. Gotta love some nature in the city!

You’ll come out on Bond Street. Take it up the hill, turn right onto Wall Street, then right onto Nassau. Keep climbing! Turn right onto 35th. Turn left onto Federal. Continue up Federal 'til you’ve reached Charles. This is where you parked!

That was a lot of twists and turns, ups and downs, but I hope you agree that it was worth it! Probably the toughest 4K out there, and YOU DID IT!

Day 5: Run/Walk Lowell Riverfront Trail
Lowell Riverfront Map (Rotary Park)

Now if you can tear yourself away from the view of the Puget Sound, here’s a view of a different variety: the Snohomish River and Cascade Mountains- *sigh*.

Drive yourself down to Lowell and find the entrance to this trail/path just off Lenora Ave. Now just get on this path and go! Either way is fabulous, once you get to the end of the path, just turn around and come right back the way you came.

When you’ve done the whole trail, you’ll have traversed almost 3 kilometers. This path is absolutely serene. Peacefully tree-lined, you’re never in direct sun for very long as it winds lazily along the river. This is a great one to leash up the pooch or bring a stroller with your kiddo.

This path begs you to slow down and enjoy, so don’t beat yourself up if this isn’t your fastest run ever! There are benches along the way to soak in the view, as well as little trail offshoots to explore the wetlands. Enjoy!

Day 6: Grand to Legion and back again
Grand Ave Park Map

If you’re from around here, this won't need much explanation, but I’ll hand it to you anyway. This run is fantastic at sunset.

Park your car along the street between 18th and 16th on Grand Avenue. Start your run at the mosaic circle in the center of the park. This park has plenty of benches for warm-up stretches and usually plenty of friendly Everett folks around with their doggies or their young ones to smile at.

When you’re done smiling and stretching, start running north. Grand turns into Alverson, but you basically stay on this road the entire run. It’s also pretty flat, and the neighborhood is full of old craftsman beauty and peekaboo views.

When you reach Legion park, you have options. There is a viewpoint on your left, which is a great turn around point, but if you’d like something else before you head back, you can turn right into Legion Park. Here, you could spend time enjoying Evergreen Arboretum and Gardens before heading back to your car at Grand Avenue Park.

Day 7: Nope, today is rest day, and you've earned it!

These are a few of my favorite Everett runs, but I know I’m not the only one out there in my spandex taking in the sights. Where do you like to run in Everett?

Angie is a wanderer at heart who calls Everett home. She is a mom of five ever-growing adolescents who values family and friends above everything else. She prefers rain to sun cause everything looks better wet.

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