The World’s Only Snack Museum: The Snackin Shack
This story is brought to you by Live in Everett Member Juanita "Nita" Dawson LMT/MMT
Images by Rachel Weatherholt
When I walked up the alley between Rucker and Hoyt, I wasn't sure what to expect of The Snackin Shack. Of course, I expected snacks, but I didn’t expect to have my mind blown by the sheer number of snacks in flavors that I didn’t even know existed. No matter how long you stand there and take in the vibrant walls, ceiling, and floor of Jaxen “Snacks” McInnis’ one-car garage-turned-museum, you’ll never see everything in one visit.

Bremerton-born Jaxen, also known as Snacks for his love of snack food, has a million-watt smile, kind eyes, and fantastic hair, and he is among the nicest people I’ve met. His museum is very unique and is gaining visibility every day. A literal one-man show, Jaxen posts reviews of snacks on The Snackin Shack’s Instagram, and also hosts visitors who join him in reviewing the products. His marketing campaigns have been successful and have garnered him recognition and donations from companies such as Jones Soda Co. and interviews on major local news channels. He has been participating in local events and festivals like Salty Sea Days and GeekFest West. There is also a partnership in the works to open a second location in Dallas, Texas.
In March of 2023, Jaxen decided that his growing collection of limited-edition snacks should be seen by everyone. By October of that same year, he launched his brilliant idea. Jaxen ousted his car from his garage and The Snackin Shack opened its doors. Less than a year later and he’s already out of space.

Every inch of the floor and ceiling is covered in food, snack, and restaurant signage, and the floor-to-ceiling shelving is heavy with his collection. Jaxen has collected everything from limited- or special-edition Yardley soaps, cereals, alcohol, pretzels, Corn Nuts, donuts, cookies, Goldfish crackers, coffee creamer, sodas, candy bars, gummy candies, Funko Pop!, and Febreeze. A few of my favorites are the Fruity Pebbles branded earbuds and syrup, the Oreo collection (even though I'm an Oreo purist, it is still impressive), the mini Nutella jar, the mini Candy Land game, and the palette of Frosted Flakes eyeshadow.

Rachel’s Mystery Bag Revealed
Yes, I said Frosted Flakes eyeshadow.
Yes, I know how bizarre that sounds.
That's exactly why you have to see this place for yourself.
Jaxen’s collection is not for sale, however, he does offer cold drinks out of a vintage Gatorade beverage cooler, as well as chips and other bagged snacks for purchase. Don’t pass up his Mystery Bags: they are stuffed full with one beverage and at least five different snacks, plus a handful of small items like Jolly Ranchers, Tootsie Rolls, and Dum Dums.
The Snackin Shack is currently open Thursday through Sunday from 12pm to 4pm. Jaxen also has a permanent pop-up at one of the local dispensaries where you can find him on Friday nights after closing up the garage. People of all ages are encouraged to visit The Snackin Shack. Remember, this is a museum: look, but don’t touch, and please do not eat the displays.
The Snackin Shack
2916 Hoyt Ave
Everett, WA 98201

Rachel Weatherholt is a long-time Everett resident who loves books, horror movies, cooking, and eating good food.