Artist Profile: Laurie Richardson

Name: Laurie Richardson

Hometown: St. Louis, Missouri

Current City/Neighborhood: Unincorporated Everett, though my husband likes to refer to it as Lake Stickney.

Your Medium/Craft: Collage, Mixed Media, Assemblage, Photography and Jewelry.

Years doing your craft: Collage & Mixed Media about seven years (Photography almost 40 years!)


How did you first get started in your craft?

As an only child of creative parents, I often spent hours happily engrossed in the activity of cutting out images I liked from magazines and creating my own little worlds by gluing them onto sheets of paper, poster board, spiral notebooks or cardboard boxes.

Although my first serious artistic pursuit as an adult was in photography, after moving to the PNW in 2008, I was amazed by the inundation of creativity here, so began exploring and connecting with other artists I admired online, and my love of collage was quickly reignited.

I join the Northwest Collage Society, and although my initial reaction was that I was not a "real" artist, thus not "worthy" to be included in such a serious-sounding organization, I decided to challenge my fears of inadequacy and attend a meeting.

I found the members completely welcoming, supportive, and encouraging, and I soon began participating in their juried exhibits, which gave me the "courage" to pursue sharing my art in local businesses, neighborhood art walks, and creative fairs & festivals.

Courtesy of Laurie Richardson

Courtesy of Laurie Richardson

Favorite Artist(s) and/or Inspirations?

There is so much art that deeply touches me, but I rarely find it necessary to hold one particular person in higher "creative ability" esteem than others. I am consistently inspired by those who create from their heart by honoring their truth, expressing their beliefs, pursuing their passions, trusting their inner voice and intuitively creating that which speaks to THEM.

I find inspiration and awe in a multitude of varied and mostly everyday type things- from a brilliantly colored graffiti graced train car or the dazzling play of light and shadow on a wooded path, to beautiful shades and shapes of rust on a dilapidated car or the mesmerizing unique color of a baby's eyes.

I am particularly fascinated by and an avid collector of old photographs, unique ephemera, found/discarded/forgotten objects, thrift store curios and treasures of nature. To me, every aspect of life is a creation of art in some way, shape or form.

Courtesy of Laurie Richardson

Courtesy of Laurie Richardson

Favorite Piece You've Created?

Knowing stories of how my art touches others is deeply sacred and humbling to me.

One of the most moving stories shared with me involved one of my mixed media "heart art" pieces that a woman purchased to give to her sister, whom she had been estranged from for years.

She tearfully shared that the piece spoke to her in hopes of reconnecting and mending their relationship with one another. What an immense honor that is for me to know that something I created intuitively was meant to be of service for such an important and possibly life-changing action.

Courtesy of Laurie Richardson

Courtesy of Laurie Richardson

What’s the most challenging part of being an artist, or something you had to overcome?

For me, it is/was my inner critic, that incessant voice inside my head taunting, shaming and questioning me about who did I think I was attempting to make something that ANYone would give a you-know-what-about, that I had zero talent or ability, I'd be laughed at and ridiculed and had absolutely no business even THINKING about calling myself an "Artist".

That nasty little monster had it's hold on me for years, until out of nowhere one day, I suddenly realized that NO ONE other than MYSELF was thinking ANY of those awful things about me or my art, and even if they were, all I REALLY aspired to in creating was to authentically express myself, create intuitively and seek to grow and expand my emotions, understanding and connection with MYSELF through my art...and that if someone else was drawn to it, it was not a necessary or sought after "validation" of my artistic abilities, but an unforeseen/unpremeditated connection of kindred souls!

How can people be supportive of the arts?

Although I am absolutely supportive of "famous" artists and the institutions which preserve and share their (now) historic works, I also believe that it is crucial to support that which is lovingly made by dedicated creative people everywhere- it is so abundantly available close-by in so many easily accessible forms.

You can attend and purchase handmade items from artists at neighborhood art walks, locally owned shops, special events, local history museums, craft fairs, and such for your home decor, practical use and gift giving.

You can see locally produced theater (most high schools have several shows annually!), go see local bands & musicians perform, eat at locally owned restaurants, drink locally made brews, shop at local farmers markets and co-ops, and utilize your libraries!

But most importantly, realize that YOU are an artist who deserves the opportunity to express yourself creatively-whether that be through the food you cook and share, the clothes you chose to wear, the words you write in your journal or the stories you make up for your kids. Consider sharing YOUR artistic passion and knowledge to inspire, support and encourage other budding artists both young and old!

Courtesy of Laurie Richardson

Courtesy of Laurie Richardson

Favorite place in Everett to eat?

Cafe Wylde or Sno Isle Food Co-Op! As a vegan, I am delighted with their delicious and nutritious food offerings!

Favorite place in Everett to hang?

The Schack Art Center, Lowell Riverfront Park (especially at sunset in the fall!), the Everett Farmers Market, or any of the numerous awesome thrift stores and coffeehouses!

Favorite quote and/or words to live by?

Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind. -an amalgamation of words by Bennett Cerf & Theodor Geisel

What's next for you?

Through December, I have an exhibition of iPhone images at the University Friends Meeting House in Seattle and am also hoping to have my art accepted into the next Northwest Collage Society show (which will be exhibited at the Washington State Convention Center from Jan.12-March 31).

I am looking forward to spending much of the upcoming long dark days of our PNW winter to contentedly cocooning in my garage studio, creating that which my muse desires with the possibility of being shared with others in the near future, as well as discovering a way to utilize my creativity in service of promoting the care of and compassion for animals.

Where can people see more of your art?

As I am consciously attempting to reduce my daily "screen time", I have to admit that I am not as up-to-date with sharing my art in an online format/social media as I could (should?!) be...but you can see some of my work (& everyday life stuff!) here:



Facebook (mixed media)

Facebook (photography)



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Live in Everett is a media outlet dedicated to reporting on the good things that happen in our city. We like to share about new restaurants, culture, events, and opportunities for civic engagement. Learn more about us here, and join us as we proudly wave the Everett flag.