Last Chance To Catch ‘Art of the Garden’ Exhibit at Schack Art Center
This story is brought to you by Live in Everett Member Lamoureux Real Estate.
I recently caught the Art of the Garden exhibit at the Schack Art Center, and it did not disappoint.
With curated pieces from well over 60 different artists, the fun and fresh garden-centric theme makes for a delightful exhibit.
Wood-carved mushrooms // Garret Hunt
From giant wood-carved mushrooms to sculptures made from recycled materials and, of course, many paintings. And so much more. There’s even a custom kaleidoscope to enjoy.
If you like spring. And summer. And flowers. And color. And art. You will love this exhibit.
Spring, summer, flowers, color, art // Garret Hunt
The exhibit stands on its own. But the real eye-catcher that took me by surprise felt like almost an entire show unto itself.
Carousel: Legends of the Forest // Garret Hunt
It’s a carousel, and it’s a vision of epic sorts.
The hand-carved work of art is not only intricately remarkable but also completely functional.
At the exhibit, Peter Newland, the creator, writes a nice statement about his original concept. To summarize, Peter shares that his motivation for the project stemmed from the early 90s when carousels were going out of style and sold off, typically in pieces. An auction selling off these carousel pieces sparked Peter’s idea. He realized the fragmented nature of the pieces being parted out bothered him, and he wanted to create something whole.
In 1991 Peter met with woodcarver Jim Toner, and they quickly teamed up with Mike Cross to help with the engineering of the structure. They wanted each of the five animals to be able to hold children up to 10 years old. The hand-cranked carousel swings the animals outward as it spins.
Woodland critters // Garret Hunt
There’s even a story and merchandise for sale that goes along with the carousel. As the story goes, the five animals are all from the same NW watershed. The animals were all born in the same year. They mature and go their own ways but return each autumn to an ancient tree
In their birth forest. They share stories about their adventures and prepare for winter.
There’s undoubtedly more to this story, but you’ll have to experience it the best way there is to experience something: in person.
Art of the Garden exhibit is free and open through August 27.
Schack Art Center
2921 Hoyt Avenue
Everett, WA 98201
(425) 259-5050

Garret is the co-founder + CEO of Live in Everett. He’s also journeying toward wholeness at