Bra Bedazzle: Citrine Health Fights Breast Cancer With Flair
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It's October and that means pumpkin spiced lattes, trips to the thrift store for costume shopping and turning on the heat in your home for the season.
But more importantly, October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and you’re going to be very aware this month as you head out to some of your favorite local businesses.
Citrine Health held their second annual Bra Bedazzle event at the end of August in preparation for October Cancer Awareness Month. Volunteers showed up, dug into craft supplies, tossed in a lot of creativity and created some amazing themed bras.
The bras range from a whimsical themed “Let’s taco about it” and “Blue-Footed Booby” to a vintage-style jewel encrusted bra.

Taco bout getting a mammogram
They now have 70 bras that will be displayed at their location on West Marine View Drive and other locations around town including Schack Art Center, Sno-Isle Food Co-op, The Valley Organic Deli, Target, GroWashington, and Sirens Market & Coffee House.
After you finish reading this article or see one of the Bedazzle bras when you are out and about, use that as a cue to send a quick note to a loved one to remind them to consult their doctor about scheduling a mammogram.
Citrine Health does so much more in our community than promoting breast cancer awareness. Their mission is to create, maintain and support healthcare, social services and disease prevention programs for women and their families.
In partnership with Washington Breast, Cervical and Colon Health Program, they provide free or low-cost preventative health screenings to women and men that have no insurance or are underinsured. Last year they provided 1,531 no-cost health screenings.

Citrine has provided over 1,500 no-cost health screenings
Potential clients can call Citrine Health’s office and speak to an enrollment coordinator to find out if they are eligible for the program. Coordinators speak English and Spanish and have access to interpreters in other languages.
If eligible, they will enroll, schedule appointments with a clinic and handle the paperwork and insurance claim. If an issue is found that needs further assessment, Citrine Health has patient navigators to help clients through the process of getting additional testing.

BraBedazzle bras hanging in a hallway at Citrine Health
Citrine Health also has a Bra Shop for their clients and the community. It fills a much-needed gap in providing post-mastectomy products that otherwise are only available in Seattle.
They offer traditional, sports and nursing bras as well and offer free bra fittings.
The vibe at Citrine Health is calm and peaceful. They have a rotating art display featuring local artists and a well curated fair-trade gift shop.
They also offer a Women’s Wellness Center, food assistance program, event room rental and so much more. You can find more information on their website at, or check out our inside look video tour here.
Stop by and they’ll give you a tour in person. View the artwork, get a bra fitting and do some gift shopping.
And make sure to remind loved ones that October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
2940 W Marine View Dr
Everett, WA 98201
(425) 259-9899 local
(888) 651-8931 toll-free
Monday – Thursday: 7 a.m.–6 p.m.
Friday: 7 a.m.–5 p.m.
Saturday: 9 a.m.–3 p.m.

Linda War Bonnet provides admin support and writes for Live in Everett. She is a neighborhood leader in Southwest Everett’s Westmont and Holly neighborhoods. (South Everett represent!)