Life in Everett Journals: Zowie

Editor’s Note: This is part of a series of journal entries from members of our community as we adapt to stay at home orders during the COVID-19 outbreak. I’ve gone back and forth wondering if these entries will fit the “Good Things” focus of Live in Everett, but everything about relating, connecting and learning from our neighbors is a Good Thing. ~Linda



Family dog, people walker, neighborhood watch and all-around good guy
Boulevard Bluffs Neighborhood

April 21, 2020

Well folks, if I am being honest – and I’m always honest- the facts are the facts and I love this quarantine thing. My people were often home before but now I’ve got all my people, all the time. And although I have willingly (mostly) abandoned my shoe delivery service (this is where I bring one shoe at a time to my people in exchange for a walk) I am experiencing no shortage of walks – perhaps it was a hobby based on faulty reasoning? Anyhow… here’s a breakdown of what living life right now is like for me, your average well-loved and quarantined family dog:

The Teenagers

They don’t come up from their basement lair all that often but when they do it’s generally to play with me or to eat – two things I wholeheartedly endorse. One of them has taken to blocking her bedroom door so I can’t get in to abscond with stuffies (or is so the cat can’t get in? Not sure and it doesn’t much matter because the result is the same). The big one cooks a lot and sometimes shares or lets me lick stuff. Oh. And Zoom meetings. The teens figured out that a really good way to put an end to any unwanted video call is to howl and howl until I join in. I am always game to play along. It’s fun.

One of my responsibilities is keeping teenagers company while they do school work.

One of my responsibilities is keeping teenagers company while they do school work.

The Beach

Now, I’d be remiss if I acted as if I didn’t get to walk to the beach almost daily pre-quarantine. One of the main reasons my people bought the house we live in was because the dog they had before me was a big swimmer. While I don’t actually swim, I do love to chase rocks and sticks through the shallow water. Also, I am a big fan of herons. They are not a big fan of me.  

In order to continue to beach it on the daily, the people set the alarm for way too early and we get going. This way we’re sure to avoid running into neighbors down there. In short: The beach is the best. I love it. I love it. I love it.

Hitting the beach early in the morning.

Hitting the beach early in the morning.


I get a lot of them. I am in peak physical condition. The people worry they are creating a monster. They are right to worry.  

Neighborhood Watch

People walk past my house (maybe) more than they used to. That means I get to bark a lot. However, we also get a lot less deliveries than we used to. So maybe my barking amount hasn’t increased? Either way, there’s zero chance I’ll get out of practice.  

Grandmaster neighborhood-watch-barker.

Grandmaster neighborhood-watch-barker.

What else can I tell you? There isn’t much else going on. The people are outside a lot messing with pots and plants and inside they work and exercise and cook. Both the TV and the hammock are in full swing. Basically, life is good if you’re me. Never better. The people note quite often how lucky we are to live in such a beautiful place with enough space to get outside and walk without running into too many people and that we have enough food to eat and jobs to do. I take my job of protector and best friend very seriously, so I am thankful for all of that too.

Read Zowie’s review of Top Dog-Friendly Bars in Everett.

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