Three Everett Thrift Stores You’ve Never Heard Of
Cover image: New & Again Thrift Shoppe
Most Everettites are familiar with Goodwill, Value Village, and even St. Vincent de Paul—the larger thrift store chains around town. But did you know Everett is also home to some smaller thrift stores that can easily sneak you by? Here are three Everett Thrift Stores you just may not be aware of.
Assistance League
5107 Evergreen Way
Located on Evergreen Way, but it is still easy to miss if you’re not looking for it. Assistance League is probably the largest on our list (albeit, all are still smaller than, say, Value Village). The store is clean and organized with a good selection. There is one color tag on sale each month for 50% off. They also often have extra good deals by the door, like when we stopped by recently they had books out front for $.49 each.
A peek at the media section at Assistance League Thrift Store // Live in Everett
Most items are either good and low thrift store prices, like $.99 DVDs and CDs, $6 dress shirts, or, there are the select “better brand items” and others that do cost more; such as a name brand jacket that may cost upwards of $100 or a used board game for over $30. However, these pricier items seem to be more the exception, not the norm. Not to mention, purchases do help fund the non-profit. Assistance League is an all-volunteer 501(c)(3) working to “make Snohomish County a better place to live and work” through its philanthropic programs.
Assistance League is open Monday-Saturday, but most days, they close at 3 pm, so double-check hours on their website before you go. They also have specific days and time windows when donations are accepted.
New & Again Thrift Shoppe
6932 Evergreen Way
Just down the street from Assistance League, you’ll find New and Again Thrift Shoppe in the old Alfy’s Pizza on Evergreen Way, “Next to Rodland Toyota.” Another non-profit, New & Again, supports Domestic Violence Services of Snohomish County, where shelter residents and their children can access items at no cost.
New & Again is a bit smaller at first glance as you enter the main storefront, full of men's and women's clothing and jewelry. Don’t miss the back section with additional toys, movies, home goods, and more. We’ve only been once for a brief visit, but prices seemed reasonable. The dress shirts were all $6 and nicely organized and ironed. Not bad! The clothing section feels more like a boutique than a thrift store. They’re also looking for volunteers if you can lend a hand.
New & Again accepts donations but asks you to please contact them beforehand. They’re open Monday-Saturday, usually until 5 pm, but close at 2 pm on Saturdays, and hours are subject to change. Learn more on their website.
Thrift Store Garage Sale Prices
2011 Madison Street
On Madison Street, you’ll find Thrift Store Garage Sale Prices, or, we’ll just call them “Thrift Store” for short since that’s what their sign says out front. They buy storage units at auction and restock the store twice per week. Out front on the sidewalk you’ll find tools, TVs, and larger items. The store is not quite as orderly or organized as the others (likely because their inventory turns over so quick). It’s a bit cramped, and many prices aren’t marked. It really does feel more like a garage sale vibe, which can be fun!
Who doessn’t love $1 movies? // Live in Everett
Clothing is $2 and jeans are $5. The store is small enough that you can hear customers continually asking how much miscellaneous items are. Many items seem to run around $5. However, according to their Facebook, they sometimes mark everything in the store down to $1 and clear the place out. DVDs and VHS are also $1. It can definitely be a fun place if you enjoy hunting for random treasures.
Open Tuesday-Saturday and close at either 4, 5, or 6 pm depending on the day so check their hours before you go.
Have you been to any of these thrift stores yet? Where is your favorite place to thrift in Everett? Comment over on our Facebook and share the love.
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