#LiveInEverett March Top Picks
Happy March!
Spring has arrived, as has our top #LiveInEverett picks from Instagram this last month. Thank you for sharing your Everett goodness with us, friends! 🙌
Wendy Casper is enjoying the Spring vibes.
You had us at ‘amazeballs’.
Aww, happy birthday Lilma! … what’s up with those cupcakes?
Okay on second thought forget the cupcakes, we’re gonna go track down Yay Big Ice Cream.
Vans ain’t got nothin’ on Art by Sydnie.
Everett_yum sharing some juicy news … looks like a burger night needs to happen soon.
We’re excited to pop by this pop-up to see what’s poppin’.
We’re not-so-secretly digging Remodeling Rainier’s secret garden vibes.
Still running. 🙌
Great shot, Jammyjam25.
Hot Dog! Err, should we say, Hard Cider! Looks like we’ll be stopping by Soundbite Cider soon from some weekend provisions.
Oh yes, and the library reopened! Time to get off the internet and go read a book. Or, you know, at least go peruse the DVDs and leave the house. 😂
That's it for this round of #LiveInEverett.
Want to be featured in the next one? Make sure to use #LiveInEverett on Instagram.
Keep on spreading that Everett goodness, friends! ✌️

Live in Everett is a media outlet dedicated to reporting on the good things that happen in our city. We like to share about new restaurants, culture, events, and opportunities for civic engagement. Learn more about us here, and join us as we proudly wave the Everett flag.