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Reasons I Love: Narrative Buttermilk Biscuits 

Do you like buttermilk biscuits? 

Say! I love buttermilk biscuits!

And I would eat them in a pandemic.

And I will eat them in the dark of winter.

And with homemade boysenberry jam,

And Narrative Coffee. 

Especially with Narrative Coffee. 

Since picking up a dozen during the holidays, I think about Narrative’s Buttermilk Biscuits a lot. I can’t think of a single thing not to like about them except maybe the calorie count. The biscuits weigh in at 5.7 oz. I choose to not think about the calories, so you can do your own math. 

Here are all the reasons I love Narrative Buttermilk Biscuits. 


Yes, unparalleled - that’s a strong statement, but they are the best biscuit I’ve ever had. Crisp on top and bottom and tender inside. They are a taste and texture sensation. Biscuit bliss.  


My family has them with soups and stews and they are great for breakfast sandwiches. My favorite is to eat them with Kerry Gold butter or homemade boysenberry jam gifted for Christmas. Lightly drizzled with honey is perfect too. 


I mentioned the alleged calorie count. It’s a hearty biscuit and it is very satisfying. You are not going to want to eat anything else after so in that sense it’s like diet food. Right? 


I don’t like to bake and I especially don’t like to cut butter into flour to make my own biscuits. Narrative biscuits are easy to make. Just place however many you need onto a parchment-lined baking sheet for 40 minutes at 350 degrees. They come out perfect every time. 


I purchased a dozen biscuits for $24. I don’t know how much biscuits typically cost but $2 a biscuit seems quite fair. I love that I can bake exactly the number I need so there is none wasted.


I live in south Everett and our Hewitt Ave. Live in Everett office is closed down so it is a bit of a drive to Narrative, my favorite coffee shop. Purchasing biscuits is an easy way I can continue to support them. 

So as you can see there are so many reasons to love Narrative Buttermilk Biscuits that easily outweigh whatever the calorie count is. I encourage you to pick up a dozen but make sure to call before you make the drive because unsurprisingly sometimes they run out. 

Narrative Coffee
2927 Wetmore Ave
Everett, WA, 98201
(425) 322-4648

Linda War Bonnet represents south Everett on the Live in Everett Team. When she isn’t working, she is running the Westmont-Holly Neighborhood Association. You might spot her walking her dog in the Holly neighborhood.

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