Stars are Shining at Starbound Theatre Camps

Images courtesy of Rubatino Productions

Many of my favorite moments as a mom were watching my children shine on stage. My daughter especially loved performing in shows at Evergreen Middle School and Everett High under the direction of Emily Swanby. Emily’s musical giftedness  and passion for musical theatre were matched only by her commitment to instilling and growing the character of the students involved in her shows. Over a decade later, a new generation of young people will have the opportunity to be inspired and mentored by Emily and her equally talented drama-teacher husband, Tommie Rubatino. They just launched their new theatre company, Rubatino Productions, right here in Everett.

Even before they married, the Rubatinos shared a dream of opening a space that is theatre focused. They met while working together with kids at their church and later started an improv group with friends. The couple is excited to work together again, creating something family-friendly, fun and positive where parents feel safe and comfortable with their children participating.  Their vision is “raising up the next generation to be lights in the world.”

This summer, they are beginning to realize their dream with Starbound Theatre Camps. There will be something for everyone! For 3-5th graders, there is Rising Stars, a week-long camp from 9-12 am, where campers will enjoy games, skits, dancing, singing and more.  Kids in younger grades can attend three-day camp, Shining Stars.  Teens will have a blast at week-long middle and high school camps, Improv Stars and Broadway Stars!  All camps culminate with showcases for family and friends. Parents will appreciate the Rubatinos’ commitment to keeping camps and future productions at accessible prices so finances won’t be an obstacle for anyone.  Need-based scholarships are also available.

When asked why she believes drama is so important for kids, Emily shared a story from her own family. At seven, her younger brother barely talked. Her mother was concerned and convinced drama would help him. Unable to persuade him, she paid him to audition for his first show. He got the lead, broke out of his shell, and thrived on and off stage. “Theatre instills confidence, community and character.”  It provides opportunities to learn teamwork, responsibility, and social skills, and to create vulnerability and trust.  Seeing audiences enjoy their performance bolsters kids’ self-esteem, as does taking risks and realizing they are capable of more than they imagined. Possibly the greatest gifts gained are the friendships formed with other artists.  

With so many benefits, you can see why Starbound Theatre Camps are a great choice   Stay tuned, because in the next few years, Emily and Tommie have dreams of growing Rubatino Productions, eventually owning their own space where they can hold classes in theatre, dance, music, podcasting, film and more, as well as stage plays and musicals, including original productions.  Go to, for camp details and register today so your young star can shine this summer!


Ginni is a wife, mom and educator who loves reading, Jeopardy, and escape rooms! She grew up in IL, but moved here after college and has called Everett home for over 22 years.